Gracie Barra
Gracie Barra, Georgia had once been the sole location for MMA enthusiasts to practice the Gracie style of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu in the North West suburbs of Atlanta. Over the years, students from Gracie Barra, Georgia opened their own Gracie Barra franchises. While there was some cannibalization of the Gracie Barra Georgia market, these new franchises aggressively marketed their services while Gracie Barra, Georgia did not. Not wanting to financially hurt other Gracie Barra locations by soliciting their patrons, Gracie Barra, Georgia asked the MESA Consulting Group to come up with a means to increase volume and thus revenues.
Recognizing that a target market’s definition is more than just a group of people with the needs, wants, willingness and desire to purchase a service but rather the group of people most likely to buy the service, MESA re-visited who constituted the majority of Gracie Barra, Georgia’s business and discovered that children k-12 were still the biggest demographic. Drawing on the marketing collateral from Gracie Barra Corporate, MESA saw their Bully Prevention Program as a means to introduce Gracie Barra Jiu Jitsu to children who were otherwise not previously exposed.
First, MESA sourced all the schools within a 10 mile radius of Gracie Barra. Second MESA developed a script which presented the Bully Prevention Program to school administrators in terms of what benefits the school. Then MESA trainers sat with administrators at Gracie Barra, Georgia and discussed the mechanics of a sales conversation and role played how to systematically solicit these schools to have these seminars put on for their children. Utilizing the Corporate curriculum (four courses including discussions and self-defense techniques) Gracie Barra, Georgia began setting up the Bully Prevention seminars inside of its initial geographic preference. MESA put together a take-away in that there was a maximum number of students and a maximum number of seminars that would all be provided on a first come first serve basis. Third, MESA put into place a logistics plan that involved having volunteer coaches become certified and trained regarding how to put on the BPP seminars and how to recruit attendees to patronize Gracie Barra, Georgia for further training. This recruitment also extended to parents so as to help increase volume inside of the adult classes as well.
Fabio Costa: I am very grateful to Mr. Bass for helping design this solicitation program. While not what we normally do, I was willing to listen to alternative means of attaining business and I am very pleased that I did. We’ve seen a large increase in new sign-ups since this program began and I plan to expand it even more next year.
Marica Caravallo: While we use the Accounting Services at MESA with Alana Bass, CPA and have been thrilled with her ability to not only keep our books in order but also to help us understand where we are financially, it was George from MESA who helped come up with a new way at looking at getting clients that has really helped us bring the top line of our P&L back to where it used to be. Perhaps we had become too complacent in assuming that we no longer needed to do community outreach but after hearing Mr. Bass talk about target marketing and sales training I knew we needed to do something. MESA’s something worked! I am thrilled that we chose to work with MESA. It’s been one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.
Jessica Dudley: While I’ve worked in a customer service capacity before, I had never worked as a salesperson. When Marcia told me I’d be learning to sell I was both excited and scared. Excited because it’s a new skill that I didn’t have but also scared because it was something new. I was very happy when George walked through how sales calls sounded and took the time to role play with me all the issues I’d encounter once I started making the actual calls themselves. Without this preparation, I’d never have had the kind of success that I did. His training helped me so much that I feel as if now I’m helping not only Gracie Barra, Georgia but the children and parents that come through here. I’ve been able to make a difference because I learned how to sell through MESA.