Dandilion Designs
DandiLion Designs is a very small graphic design firm started by entrepreneur Vicki Tagliatela years ago so she could balance her work life with her desire to be at home with her family. Through sheer talent Vicki was able to develop a grass roots business that generated more revenue than expense but the issue of consistency came to the forefront of her problems when the children began to demand more of her time. Fortunately, her husband was able to supplement the family income through his job but this concern of stability continued to pose both a short and long term problem.
Mesa Consulting met with DandiLion Designs and quickly realized that the primary driver of business to her business to business model was personal selling. Vicki had relied on networking and referrals to develop the company but this was just enough to maintain profitability and not enough to grow as well as insure a steady stream of new business. Mesa customized the sales training program for non-sales people with a re-introduction to the multi-segmented target market strategy she’d need to implement, sales fundamentals via training and a “accountability” follow up that insured the plan was being put in place.
The results were instant and amazing. The first step in the multi-segmented target marketing approach was to re-introduce Vicki to her old customers (some of which she hadn’t spoken to in years) and put a S.P.I.N. cycle selling approach into place via learning about them and their needs. This included apologies for not having kept in better contact and then re-learning about their situations and problems. New business came flowing through the door without Vicki even having to trial-close or close (part of the sales training) and was offered to her simply by her intelligent use of questions and silence when re-establishing contact.
The accountability and follow up showed that the consistent sourcing wasn’t being met during the first two weeks because of the incredible in-flow of new business. But with a short correction it was, and the business flowed in even faster.
The program worked so well that DandiLion Designs only got half way through the initial target market when they became so overwhelmed with new business that they had to literally stop soliciting or hire additional designers to handle the new volume.
Vicki Tagliatela Owner DandiLion Designs: I smile at it now as I realize that everything George went over with me during our training is what he put in place when he and I first met. Mesa solicited me out of the blue and with sincere and genuine interest asked about my company, my situations and my problems. They really wanted to hear what was going on in my world because they shared that if they could learn about me, then they could possibly help me achieve my goals. We had a lovely conversation where I shared all about my company, myself and what concerned me and in return Mesa listened and came up with a proposal that seemed on it’s face to make perfect sense. I spoke with George Bass and he explained to me that from a marketing perspective there were more effective means of driving business through my doors and that was via personal selling. He showed how there was a lot of business with all my old clients with whom I hadn’t corresponded recently (some as long as several years ago) and it was as if I had let relationships die because I had gotten too busy working for other people. Not wanting them to die, he helped me figure what to say to make them important again. It was then I realized that he was sharing with me what he did with me. I’d call, listen, ask, and hear about their problems and sometimes, without even having to ask for business, would find that they’d ask me to work on their behalf. Perhaps it was because he analogized this to giving of yourself to your children by being there to listen to them, hear their problems and understand their world that this worked so well. This registered with me and I use that when I now talk with my clients. I am very grateful to Mesa and George. I know that because of this I will be able to spend as much time as I need with my children and be able to deliver service to clients who both need and want my services. I completely recommend Mesa Consulting and George Bass specifically to anyone with any marketing or sales or communications issues. What’s really wild is you may not even know you have these problems. So talk with Mesa, watch them listen and find that they can help you get wherever you want to go.